Update On The Pornographer’s Daughter

TPD Cast


Per Liberty Bradford Mitchell via the official The Pornographer’s Daughter Facebook Page:

Director Michael T. Weiss & I got some heat in Ginger Coyote’s HOT GOSSIP column in this month’s Punk Globe! Thanks, Ginger!

(Disclaimer: We have not booked The Matrix theater in West Hollywood for our spring ’15 run, but certainly would love to! Any other 99-seat suggestions??)

Via Punk Globe:

LIBERTY BRADFORD MICHELL had to cancel a fall run of THE PORNOGRAPHERS DAUGHTER in Hollywood because Director MICHAEL T WEISS had obligations in New York City…. But she is planning a spring run at The Matrix Theater on Melrose Ave… MICHAEL as many of you may remember was on DAYS OF OUR LIVES, THE PRETENDER and the fantastic film FREEWAY directed by MATTHEW BRIGHT..

On a more ‘personal’ note, Miss Liberty has agreed to answer a few questions about her show and working with Michael for Jarod’s Safe House!! Liberty has the questions in hand so I hope to have that interview for you soon.

Sources: Liberty Bradford Mitchell / The Pornographer’s Daughter Facebook Page and Punk Globe